You are a SON. Nothing changes that. NOTHING! Regardless of where you are at right now, if you have told Jesus, "I'm following you," then you are His brother, and a son of the Father. Even if you have not intentionally invested in your relationship with Dad, you are still His son. And that is a powerful thing because understanding that helps us realize that it isn't anything that we have done to enter into that place of sonship. Its because of what He did for us. He calls us son. If you didn't get yourself in, then you cant get yourself out. That realization should stir in you a desire to press into Him more. He hasn't abandoned you, He is always right there willing to re-engage. Be willing to do that. Wake up to your identity.
Jesus life demonstrated this for us. After His baptism, Satan tempts Him three times directly attacking his identity. "If you are the Son of God..." is what Satan said. But Jesus didn't budge. He was grounded in his identity and He stayed there. That let Him overcome the enemy and eventually conquer death and sin on the cross. Stay in your identity! You are a son, and that will not change.
To walk in this we must do two things:
- See our Father correctly - He is a good Father. He is not a demanding Father who requires us to perform. He doesn't want us to DO for Him - He want's us to BE WITH HIM.
- See ourselves correctly - We must understand that we are SONS just like Jesus. We are loved, valued, cared for, and free. "If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed." There is no expectation on you to perform to achieve your status as "son".